Thursday, January 4, 2007

Deputy Prime Minister Speech - Grand Final

Bob Nimmo on behalf of Cambridge C:

Wants to talk about the Third World, and its economic development.
Apparently Cam C believe that economic development in the Third World is a good thing.

- Essentially the models are the same on the agreement level ... nenenenenene ... "yes, we accept that the occasional wanker gets a seat in the White House". But let at least California join ...
- Mulitnational corporations can buy in ... c.f., US sulphur dioxide credit system - "the argument that the EU are idiots is not an argument against a better, more intelligent system"

- On the benefits of a market system ... and allowing flexibility

4. The Third World
- Needs to develop.
- Need to help and direct sustainable development.
4.1. Western co.s go into the countries and are under the credit system.
4.2. The money from the credit system is partially chanelled into the Third World.

"The fate of the planet ... and with the planet, your industry. [...]
"Yay us, we stand for saving the World."

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