Tuesday, December 28, 2010

WUDC 2011: Welcome to Botswana

Cosmic Girl brought Jens and Isa. A considerably less exciting-sounding Frankfurt am Main brought me (but hey, it was an A380, and I was in the only row in the whole of Eco with the middle seat unoccupied ;)

What they had in common: Reasonably on-time, reasonably chaos-free delivery of debaters and judges from -8°C and 25cm of powder into +25°C and sunshine.

First observations from a drive from Jo'burg to Gaborone:
+ Africa seems a wonderful place
+ The people here are immensely friendly
+ 25°C, sun. Summer. Putting the winter coats into suitcases until Jan 15
+/- Anyone in for an adventure is advised to take a border-crossing from ZA into BW by road. The bureaucracy. The facilities. Oh, wait, maybe this whole EU citizenship thing makes for a somewhat spoiled existence ...
- It's either easy to get a little lost in Gaborone, or Google need to do better homework

First impressions from Botswana Worlds (can't compete with Tuna's comprehensive analysis, anyway, but still):
+ Large, sprawling, well-protected campus
+ Did I mention the weather?
+ The immense friendliness of all the tournament staff we've met so far (and yes, both Jens and I have managed to keep them well entertained my locking ourselves out of our rooms ... still don't really understand the "replace actual lock by tournament-provided Chinese padlock" logic)
+ There was beer. On arrival
- No towels ... seriously
- As much as I romanticize my student life, but shared bathrooms ;P
- Break day remains a mystery, at least according to official schedule. I'm pretty sure, though, it will happen

So will sleep for me now.

See you all tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Africa is a wonderful place correction.